Your Search Results for "Embossed cladding"

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We found 9 items that matched your search.

Dolls House Miniature Rustic Brick Cladding Paper x 2

Dolls House Miniature Rustic Brick Cladding Paper x 2
 Product ID: 11618
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Dark Grey Slate Cladding Paper x 2

Dolls House Miniature Dark Grey Slate Cladding Paper x 2
 Product ID: 11639
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Green Roof Tile Cladding Paper x 2

Dolls House Miniature Green Roof Tile Cladding Paper x 2
 Product ID: 11640
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Light Stone Cladding Paper x 2

Dolls House Miniature Light Stone Cladding Paper x 2
 Product ID: 11641
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Parquet Flooring Cladding Paper x 2

Dolls House Miniature Parquet Flooring Cladding Paper x 2
 Product ID: 11642
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Dry Stone Wall Cladding Paper

Dolls House Miniature Dry Stone Wall Cladding Paper
 Product ID: 11643
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Red Brick Cladding Paper

Dolls House Miniature Red Brick Cladding Paper
 Product ID: 11644
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Embossed Brick Cladding Paper x 2

Dolls House Miniature Embossed Brick Cladding Paper x 2
 Product ID: 11645
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long

Dolls House Miniature Red Roof Tile Cladding Paper

Dolls House Miniature Red Roof Tile Cladding Paper
 Product ID: 11646
Our printed paper cladding is a cheaper alternative to the hand made embossed cladding we sell. It is simple and easy to apply allowing you to quickly cover an area in your desired design.We have a range of stone, brick and tile cladding paper in a range of colours suitable for use in dolls house miniature for walls, roofs, roads and driveways.
Section:  Cladding And Brick Papers
Category:  1:12th Budget Papers
Size: 0.1cm High x 55cm Wide x 75cm Long
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