Your Search Results for "16524"

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We found 1 items that matched your search.

Dolls House Large 17th Century Rectangular Carpet / Rug (17NLR02)

Dolls House Large 17th Century Rectangular Carpet / Rug (17NLR02)
 Product ID: 16524
Our extensive range of rugs and carpets from the 17th century attempts to give an authentic flavour of one of the most interesting and formative periods in our history.During this century Elizabeth I dies, James VI is crowned king in England, Louis XIV in France, Europe is plunged into the Thirty years war, The Dutch East India Company is formed, Cape Town is founded, the Taj Mahal in India is completed and the Gunpowder plot is foil...more
Section:  Rugs and Carpets
Category:  17th Century
Size: 1mm High x 200mm Wide x 285mm Long
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