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We found 1 items that matched your search.

6 Dolls House Metal Marlburian British Light Cavalry

6 Dolls House Metal Marlburian British Light Cavalry
 Product ID: 12825
These figures are from the colourful period know as the Marlburian period - so named after the 1st Duke of Marlborough and his military conquests - (1680-1722).  This was a time of colourful and flamboyant military attire guaranteed to make these a firm favourite whether you decide to buy the British, French, Austrian or Russian figures.All of our Dolls House Miniature Toys for Toys metal figures and scenery are hand cast in the UK f...more
Section:  Toys for Toys
Category:  Unpainted Marlburian Era
Size: 10mm High x 10mm Wide x 3mm Deep (Mounted)
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